Special Interests
• Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
I am the lead physician for IBD in North Bristol NHS Trust (NBT) and am experienced in the management of complex IBD. I believe in patient education and self-management and a multidisciplinary team approach. I am developing an IBD database and am experienced in the use of biological agents. I can offer dye-spray colonoscopy surveillance for extensive colitis.

• Nutrition
I spent over 3 years of my training working at the intestinal failure unit at St Mark’s hospital, Harrow where I developed an interest and expertise in the management of short bowel syndrome and home parenteral nutrition. I now lead a multidisciplinary nutrition team at NBT and work with the STEPs eating disorders service in the treatment of severe anorexia nervosa.

• Familial colorectal cancer (CRC)
I became familiar with the genetics of familial CRC and polyposis syndromes during my time spent at St Mark’s hospital. I offer colonoscopy screening and surveillance for people with a family history of colon cancer.



• Endoscopy
I am a fully competent endoscopist trained to JAG standards for diagnostic
and therapeutic gastroscopy, flexible sigmoidoscopy and diagnostic and therapeutic colonoscopy.

I have attended JAG basic therapeutic endoscopy, colonoscopy and training the trainers courses. I am now lead clinician for endoscopy training and teach on colonoscopy courses in the South West region. 

I am an accredited bowel cancer screening colonoscopist and perform regular colorectal cancer screening lists at the Bristol Royal Infirmary.

Direct access diagnostic gastroscopy and colonoscopy are available.

• Hyperplastic polyposis
I described the clinical and genetic characteristics of this unusual polyposis syndrome for my MD degree.

• Dyspepsia, gastro-oesophageal reflux disease and peptic ulcer
Direct access gastroscopy and testing for Helicobacter pylori available.

• The investigation of iron deficiency anaemia and
   occult or overt gastrointestinal bleeding
• Irritable bowel syndrome
• The investigation and management of refractory diarrhoea
• Faecal incontinence
• Abnormal liver function tests
• General medicine



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